Undergraduate Spotlight: Manning Smitson ’25

The undergraduates would like to spotlight Manning Smitson ’25 for his involvement both in and outside of the fraternity.

According to the undergraduates, Manning has been a vital part of the fraternity for the past year, having his hand in just about every aspect of operations. The phrase “idk, ask Manning” is common amongst the house because if they don’t know where something is or what to do, Manning normally does. Manning has done a great job at building impactful relationships across campus and helping organize various events.

This summer, Manning has been working as a Private Wealth Intern at First Merchants Bank. He has spent time learning wealth management, financial advisory, private banking, while mainly working with the portfolio management team. Back at school, Manning is an entrepreneur for Manning Enterprises and is a former bouncer/roamer/drink tester at the infamous Twammer.

The undergraduates appreciate his hard work and dedication to the Fraternity, and they are glad to call him a brother.