
Phi Gamma Delta graduates, where are you now?
As the years go by since our time as undergraduates at Purdue came to an end, it can be increasingly difficult to keep tabs on what our Lambda Iota buddies have been up to. Time passes, life gets in the

Welcoming our New Pledge Class
Welcome to the brotherhood, boys! We would like to extend our congratulations to the newest pledge class, PC ’27! We look forward to seeing all that you accomplish during your time in Phi Gamma Delta at Purdue and beyond.

Phi Gamma Delta is Grateful for You
We want to wish all our current Lambda Iota Chapter undergraduates as well as all of our graduate members a Happy Thanksgiving. The holiday season is always a time of reflection, celebration, memories and most importantly, gratitude. Whether it be

Help Connect Us to Brothers from Your Decade
We want to keep each of you in touch with your brothers from your decade, but we need your help! We have some brothers who we have lost touch with over the years, and you can help us get back

Read the Summer 2023 Edition of the Russel Street Review
The Undergraduate brothers of the Lambda Iota Chapter are happy to bring you another edition of their undergraduate newsletter, The Russell Street Review. This edition features news from the cabinet, study abroad recaps, Brian Barker-Morill’s brother spotlight, and more! CLICK

Homecoming at Purdue Through the Ages
Year after year, thousands of students and graduates take the opportunity to join together and celebrate Purdue’s homecoming. Have you been back to West Lafayette lately? Phi Gamma Delta wants to hear from you! What is the best place to