Phi Gamma Delta is Grateful for You

We want to wish all our current Lambda Iota Chapter undergraduates as well as all of our graduate members a Happy Thanksgiving. The holiday season is always a time of reflection, celebration, memories and most importantly, gratitude. Whether it be through attending reunions or time spent volunteering, we are thankful for your support in more […]
Help Connect Us to Brothers from Your Decade

We want to keep each of you in touch with your brothers from your decade, but we need your help! We have some brothers who we have lost touch with over the years, and you can help us get back in contact. Find which brothers from your decade who we have lost touch with throughout […]
Read the Summer 2023 Edition of the Russel Street Review

The Undergraduate brothers of the Lambda Iota Chapter are happy to bring you another edition of their undergraduate newsletter, The Russell Street Review. This edition features news from the cabinet, study abroad recaps, Brian Barker-Morill’s brother spotlight, and more! CLICK HERE to read the Summer 2023 edition of The Russell Street Review.
Homecoming at Purdue Through the Ages

Year after year, thousands of students and graduates take the opportunity to join together and celebrate Purdue’s homecoming. Have you been back to West Lafayette lately? Phi Gamma Delta wants to hear from you! What is the best place to visit when you are back in town? Is it Harry’s Chocolate Shop? Do you have […]
Where in the World Are Phi Gamma Delta Brothers?

Have you used our Lambda Iota directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our graduates – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for other brothers. The directory can be found under the Graduates tab after you log in. […]
Undergraduate Spotlight: Manning Smitson ’25
The undergraduates would like to spotlight Manning Smitson ’25 for his involvement both in and outside of the fraternity. According to the undergraduates, Manning has been a vital part of the fraternity for the past year, having his hand in just about every aspect of operations. The phrase “idk, ask Manning” is common amongst the […]
Save the Date: Purdue Homecoming September 29-30

This year, Purdue homecoming is taking place September 29-30, and we want to see you there! Every year, graduates from all over flock back to West Lafayette for homecoming to see all of their old Purdue buddies, reminisce about the great times they shared together, and celebrate all of the things that make Purdue so […]
Graduate Profiles: Submit Yours Today!

Phi Gamma Delta graduates, we want to hear from you! As you know, our communications regularly feature graduate profiles from brothers across all decades. We love publishing these stories because our graduates are the heart of everything we do, and now, we are looking for more graduates to participate! CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE […]
Undergraduate Spotlight: Brother Mike Crawford

The undergraduates have been highlighting different brothers in their “Fiji Friday” social media posts, and their most recent spotlight went to Brother Mike Crawford. According to the undergraduates, Mike is a “very involved” brother at 640 N Russell St. serving multiple terms as a committee chairman (House Manager and Kappa Phi). Mike also shines in […]
Back to school with Phi Gamma Delta

With summer winding down, it means a new school year is right around the corner. Soon, another class of students will be back on campus and in town, ready to experience another great year at Purdue. Of course, students aren’t the only ones who will be back in town! What are some places around West […]